Monday, June 4, 2012

Memory Verse Monday

You made it! To the first ever Memory Verse Monday here at Cup of Daisies!  Thank you for joining us and I pray that your family will be blessed and have fun while learning God's word! Go here For more info on what, when, and why; Memory verse Monday!

Do not conform any longer to the things of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. (Romans 12:2 NIV)

 Here is a quick sample of our devotional:

Conform means to become similar and more alike or the same, while transform means to change from one form ot another, to be different than before.

Now that you know this lets read the verse again.

Can anyone tell me what the verse means?

"Because of who our great and wonderful God is, we should worship Him. Paul says we

should give our bodies as living sacrifices. He is not talking only about our physical body. He

means that we should give God our whole self – that includes our body and our mind


In the Old Testament times people who loved God offered dead animal sacrifices to Him.

Paul says that Jesus was the greatest sacrifice. So because of what Jesus did for us, we do not

need to sacrifice animals to God anymore. Now God wants us to give our whole selves to

Him. We should put aside our desires so that we can follow Him.

We are not to copy the behavior of the people in the world who do not know Jesus. We

are to even think differently than they do. When we think about Jesus and seek to follow

Him, our minds are changed or transformed. When this happens we can know what God

wants us to do. And we will know how good it is to do what He wants us to do.


Think about the transformer toys you play with.  Optimus Prime conforms to the world by being a semi-truck. He blend in and becomes more  like the things in this world, the things around him. But his true power is released when he is transforms and becomes much different than the world around him.  He becomes a super hero. Optimus Prime is an alien to this world,  just as Christians are. We are here serving worshipping and being transformed by the renewing of our mind and being a living sacrifice or giving our whole selves to God, until we join him in our true home, Heaven. 

Tell me some of the ways you conform to the world. What would that situation look like if you are transformed and sacrificing or giving your thoughts or actions to God? (Some examples to start the conversation might be handling arguments with siblings, what they want to watch on television, obeying parents)

After the boys are able to say the verse to their age appropriate ability. They will each be recieving a small transformer toy for a reward and reminder of the Bible verse.  I hope that this lesson will stick with them so that every time they see a transformer, this verse will pop in their mind.

I love to connect Biblical truth to something so tangible for the boys. What verse are you working on this week?

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