Monday, June 3, 2013

Memory Verse Monday: Colossians 3:12, Ephesians 4:32

Memory Verse Monday is meant to help me and my kids focus on spiritual character building!  I love that we get to work on these characteristics as a family and draw each of us closer to God. I hope it will help you too!  This week we will be working on a character of Compassion and Kindness.

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
Colossians 3:12
You have been chosen of God, holy and beloved,
put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

God calls us to take action (put on a heart of ...) as his sons and daughters.  Action that will show others that we belong to Him, that we are His children.  Colossians 3:12 tells us to cloth ourselves with these characteristics so that others will know God’s character and be drawn to Him.  Ephesians 4:32 instructs us to be kind to each other, and forgive others as Christ has forgiven us for all of our wrongs!

Ask: Help me name the characteristics we need to have as Christians

· Heart of compassion
· Kindness
· Humility
· Gentleness
· Patience

When we want to become better at something like soccer, drawing, or piano, we practice, right?
We are going to be practicing these characteristics so that we can be better at showing God’s character to others with our actions in life. 
Ask: Help me know some places we can practice:   Examples: At home, school, church, restaurants, parks, anywhere/Everywhere!!

Ask: Now lets talk about how we can practice, Can you give me some examples of how to show Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness, and Patience to others?

For a toddler: 
 Helping Mommy pick up his toys
Saying please and Thank You
Saying yes mommy
Giving Hugs 

For my big kids it could mean:
Not arguing with their siblings
Paying someone a compliment
Helping their teacher at school
Doing a chore without being asked to
Holding a door open for a stranger at a store
Helping the neighbors pull in garbage cans
Letting someone else go first
Holding your words when you aren’t getting
 your way or things are taking longer than you expect.
For Mom & Dad it could mean:
patience when things get crazy and loud
Leaving a special note for someone around the house
Taking a meal to a friend
Helping out with chores
Helping a neighbor out
Letting kids help with fun jobs in the house

Ask: Give me some examples of what happened in your day that you would be tempted to act in an unholy manner… How would you be tempted to act, how could you act to make sure you are portraying God’s characters in your heart?

How does it affect you when you act unholy? What is the affect on others around you?


Putting it into Practice! Kindness Jar

Purpose: To encourage the practice of living in a holy manner daily. 
How it works: Each time you see a kid acting with compassion and kindness, a bean goes in the jar.  Each time an act of compassion or kindness is neglected, two beans come out of the jar.  At the end of the week… swap the beans for jellybeans and explain the reward for the good deeds/acts of character they portrayed!

Remind children, it takes a pattern of acting in kindness to build up something big, like character and set a true example for God.  The more you practice the easier it gets! 

Tips: We allowed the kids to point out when they saw a sibling or parent being kind.  It encouraged the boys to look for the good and not just point out the bad, which really helped with the tattling and arguing, always a bonus!! 

Extra beans were given each time a child said one of the memory verses throughout the week! 



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