Sunday, July 24, 2011
Disaster Averted!
Yesterday, William decided he wanted to make everyone breakfast, toast with Nutella. I love that he likes to do these little tasks, and gets great joy by serving others.
As I walked into the kitchen this morning this was the conversation....
William: "Mom, can you open the Nutella for me?"
Seeing everything out, toaster, stack of bread, knife, and nutella... I said, "William, I thought you were going to toast the bread."
William: "I am, I just need to get the nutella open."
At that moment I realized exactly what William was asking me to do... Open the Nutella, so he could put it on the soft fresh bread, and then stick it in the toaster... YIKES!
William's how-to was a bit different than mine; I quickly thanked the Lord that I caught this, and redirected William to use the toaster first and the Nutella second. Such a small choice that would have had a much different outcome. A messy & broken outcome, which would have left William feeling disappointed.
As I was thinking about this a little later, I started to realize how truthful this fact is. Order is so important, but so many times, we try to rush ahead and do things on our own timetable. Fortunately, We have a Heavenly Father who knows we will mess up, and even allows us to mess up, and learn from our mistakes. However, we also have a heavenly father that gives us instruction so we don't have to experience those disappointments.
I am glad William chose to listen to my guidance that morning and follow a more direct, safe choice to have breakfast. Unfortunately, too often I find myself at the crossroads of a decision, and not heeding the warning I force myself to learn the hard way, through frustration and disappointment. Thankfully we have a God that also extends his hand of Grace and Mercy to us through out own selfishness and ignorance.
Proverbs 1: 8-9
8-9 Pay close attention, friend, to what your father tells you;
never forget what you learned at your mother's knee.
Wear their counsel like flowers in your hair,
like rings on your fingers.
Thank you Father for your Guidance, Love, and Protection. Thank you for helping us avert disasters as we walk through life as your children,
Friday, July 22, 2011
My Husband Rocks Friday!
Dear Michael.
It's been a while since I have done a Friday blog devoted to you, my sweet hubby. You know it's not because you are not all that and a bag of chips; because you know you are. It just because.... well I just haven't! But, as I was thinking of you today I just wanted to share the top 10 reasons why I think you are so great.
It's been a while since I have done a Friday blog devoted to you, my sweet hubby. You know it's not because you are not all that and a bag of chips; because you know you are. It just because.... well I just haven't! But, as I was thinking of you today I just wanted to share the top 10 reasons why I think you are so great.
- You are tall, dark, and handsome.
- You make a mean fried egg... and I don't even like fried eggs.
- The unexpected things you say, crack me up... it is so much fun to laugh with you.
- When you really and I mean really laugh, it is a laugh like no other! It touches a wellspring of joy inside me.
- You kisses melt my heart!
- You are an amazing father/leader to our sweet boys!
- You are always able to keep your calm, even when everything around you (including me) is crumbling.
- You embrace our marriage and work so hard at bettering yourself and our family.
- You share wisdom beyond your years, and keep me logical!
- You are truly devoted to our Lord and walking by Faith!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Wordful Wednesday
Romans 15:1-6 (msg)
1-2 Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?"
3-6That's exactly what Jesus did. He didn't make it easy for himself by avoiding people's troubles, but waded right in and helped out. "I took on the troubles of the troubled," is the way Scripture puts it. Even if it was written in Scripture long ago, you can be sure it's written for us. God wants the combination of his steady, constant calling and warm, personal counsel in Scripture to come to characterize us, keeping us alert for whatever he will do next. May our dependably steady and warmly personal God develop maturity in you so that you get along with each other as well as Jesus gets along with us all. Then we'll be a choir—not our voices only, but our very lives singing in harmony in a stunning anthem to the God and Father of our Master Jesus!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
William meets the Webcam
So about a month ago, we purchased a new laptop. And well it had been a while since we had upgraded, so the perks on this computer are great. While messing around with it one night, Michael showed William the webcam and well this is what we got to see! We have laughed at this video so many times... hope it brings a smile to your day too!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Blissfully Domestic Host the Hottest Pool Party in Town
Looking to host a Back-to-School Party? or maybe a late summer birthday? Pool Parties are always a hit. Get some tips and tricks on hosting an Ulitmate Pool Party @
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Blissfully Domestic: Spaghetti Squash Primevera
I am privaledged to be a staff writer for and would like to share a few links to some of my articles and great recipes! This recipe is to die for, and gets my kids eating veggies like crazy! Hope you enjoy!
Spaghetti Squash Primavera Gluten Free Recipe
Spaghetti Squash Primavera Gluten Free Recipe
Friday, July 8, 2011
Why Cup of Daisies?
Why Cup of Daisies you ask?
A poem in the book titled, "Cup Of Daisies: Poetry and Paintings" by Kenneth Wyatt; took my breath, and at once I knew this was to be the basis of my heart and outpouring in my blog. Please enjoy.
"But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Luke 18:16
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
A poem in the book titled, "Cup Of Daisies: Poetry and Paintings" by Kenneth Wyatt; took my breath, and at once I knew this was to be the basis of my heart and outpouring in my blog. Please enjoy.
Cup of Daisies
by:Kenneth Wyatt
Today on the street in the old part of town.
I spied an ol' beggar with head hung down.
Gloom was his partner - it was plain to be seen.
And the clothes that he wore would never be clean.
Holes in the elbows, the knees, and the seat,
There were two kinds of shoes that misfit his feet.
The frown was frozen on the face that was lined,
Plus a long clack rag round his eyes that were blind.
No glimmer of hope 'bout the man could I see,
Not even in the hand he reached out to me.
The old tin cup caught the sun on its rim;
Its emptiness showed that pickins were slim.
Into that cup I dripped a coin or two,
Catching a mumble of a grumpy "thank you."
That would have been all of the story that time
'Bout me and a beggar and a nickel and dime,
But fate stepped up with his bag full of tricks,
For up the street a lady strolled a lady of six.
With face all aglow, blue eyes shining bright,
Dressed all starched and ironed just right,
Ribbons reached down in circles and swirls,
A crown of daisies entwined in her curls.
Happiness abounded - in life not a care-
Her eye then touched on the beggar out there.
Young hearts melt fast, and then, so to do,
From her hair she pulled a white daisy or two.
Softly she placed them in the battered tim cup;
Instantly the old beggar's head lifted up.
Though blind in darknes, I knew he could see
That child standing there in full sympathy.
She patted the gnarled hand, not making a sound.
From the faded black rag, a tear splashed down.
They parted then - now their hearts were as one-
But the truth was clear with what had been done.
The cup rattled louder; it had a new sound.
I walked away with something I'd found.
Let me say it so you'll recall it sometime,
"The love that she gave...beat a nickel and dime."
You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature ; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Top Book Series for Beginner Readers
William, 18 mths. With his 2 favs. Blankie and Book! |
One of our favorite past times in the summer is reading. I mean it is too hot in the middle of the days to go out, and video games and movies are only allowed sometimes. Plus, William has always had a love for books. From a very early age, he has spent hours browsing through books, studying the pictures, and studying each bend on each letter written. Recently, his ability to read has blossomed into something amazing and he can't get enough reading, but he tends to gravitate towards super hero comic books. While I don't see anything with reading age appropriate comic books, I do want him to read books, actual books. Books that have more than 2 sentences to a page. Books that will challenge him, but not lose his attention.
So after some searches online, asking around to some of my homeschooling friends and local children's librarian, here are some series I have found and had some success with. I know this not a complete list by any means, so please feel free to add in the comments! Happy Summer Reading!
Magic Tree House Series Mary Pope Osborne (Our New Favorite!!!)
Frog and Toad Arnold Lobel
Amelia Bedelia Peggy Parish
Curious George H.A. Rey
Henry and Mudge Series Cynthia Rylant
Aesop for Children Aesop
Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling
The Big Blue Book of Beginner Books Dr. Seuss
Torque series Jack DavidThe Boxcar Children Gertrude Chandler Wagner (advanced)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
As you head out for your pool parties, bbq's, family gatherings, and community celebrations please take one minute to stop and remember why we are celebratig this day. We are so fortunate to live in America. What a blessing God has given us, to live in a nation that embraces FREEDOM!
May God Continue to Bless America, and may we continue to worship HIM all of our days.
Wishing you all a happy and safe 4th of July.
Friday, July 1, 2011
About me!
Please feel free to visit other links around my page... here is a little bit About Me
A few crazy things about me: I like cooking, I love cleaning, but do not like laundry! I'm a bit of an organizational nerd with everything, except my checkbook. I have probably changed a million diapers in my life, but only one of them has been a girl... I have no idea what to do with all that business. I can't spell worth a flip, and am more likely to be able to Sing the entire Veggie Tale theme song, than name hit song on the radio. I have an overactive imagination, which is both a positive and negative and I am always looking for new ideas to teach my children and to develop as Christ's daughter.
This is a blog of the musings of our life, with a few friendly tips and some awesome recipes! Please feel free to explore and if you find something that interests you leave me a note! Enjoy!!
Because of this, I am fashionable stunted, know absolutely nothing about pop culture, and become overwhelmed at the thought of technology in my childrens lifetime. However, I do try to embrace the change in the world around me and see the simplicity that still seems to shine through such a busy world.
This is a blog. It's only a blog. It is a creative outlet for me as a writer and an oh-so amature cook. It is a means to capture the good and great times with the occasional not-so-good thrown in there. While our real life is definitely full of ups and downs, this is just where we record a few of the moments we want to remember through the years, and thoughts of our life happenings. Welcome to our experiences, memories, and life!
A few crazy things about me: I like cooking, I love cleaning, but do not like laundry! I'm a bit of an organizational nerd with everything, except my checkbook. I have probably changed a million diapers in my life, but only one of them has been a girl... I have no idea what to do with all that business. I can't spell worth a flip, and am more likely to be able to Sing the entire Veggie Tale theme song, than name hit song on the radio. I have an overactive imagination, which is both a positive and negative and I am always looking for new ideas to teach my children and to develop as Christ's daughter.
I am first a daughter of Christ. I have in recent years been convicted of the importance of simplicity in life. I strive to focus very little on the insignificant "stuff" around me; you know that "stuff" that always seems to creep up in the priority list and capture a place that is very inappropriate. My focus lies much more on the significance of my Lord, and the relationships and blessing He is constantly interrupting "my plans" with.
Second, I am a wife to the most amazing man, Michael, is a true partner in life. In a society that tends to hate commitment, because something better may come by; I am so blessed to have a man that has Christ and family as his main priorities. Michael is a true leader in our home, and I have no problem taking 2nd place to him. Marriage is hard sometimes, there is no denying that, but we are both in this family 100%, for the long haul!
I am third a mother of 3 wonderfully energetic boys. William, our oldest, is the rule follower. He is the best helper and is always fighting to have more responsibility. Cade, second in command, is the peace maker of the brothers. He tends to fool people with his ornery grin, but is absolutely one of the most kind hearted children I have ever seen. Brennan, "the baby", is full of passion. A free-spirit in every sense of the word, Brennan constantly makes our family smile and laugh. Although we have plenty of crazy, hectic, not so fun days, it is sheer joy to watch the brothers come to know their Lord and Savior, and begin to grow the unbreakable bond of brotherhood.