I don't know how many of you actually know this or not, but we are in the process of selling our home. We have lived in this house for 4.5 years, that is the longest Michael and I have lived in any home since we got married. Yes we have been married almost 9 years and have moved 5 times!!! Thank goodness this time I'm not pregnant and I don't have a newborn, like several of the other moves. Anyways, back to the house selling...
It all started about 4 months ago. For several months Michael and I have felt a calling for a change in our lives and we have tried to be obedient and follow the path God is leading us down. The biggest challenge for obedience our current situation was selling our current home.
We put our house on the market, a market mind you, that does not favor a seller. And in a miraculous 60 days we had a contract and now at 90 days we are 4 days away from closing. Through a series of events, delays, and mishaps; several things have remained "up in the air" as they say. One of those thing being where we would be going once we sold our home. If you would have asked me that two days ago, I would have answered, "I don't know, but we can't stay, we have to go somewhere!" That's right, we had no where to to and I'm pretty sure it terrified everyone around us. But of course I could totally relate; About day 75 into the selling process I hit a wall! A big, fat, double enforced concrete wall, figuratively of course.I had gone from excited about the transitions that were coming to complete worry. I was picking fights with Michael, getting quickly angered by my children, I couldn't concentrate on anything... finally Michael made me talk. As a series of irrational thought and comments came tumbling out accompanied by sobbing. I saw a calm come over him, which I have to admit frustrated me! He looked at me and said, "Babe, why are you worried. It's just stuff! It's just a house! Hasn't God been faithful to us so far, why would he stop now?"
While at church a few Sundays ago I was blessed to hear Pastor Joe McArthur speak on remembering the blessings God has reigned into our lives. He spoke about Abraham and his encounters with God. As soon as he left God's presence,he built an altar so that he could always remember what God has done.
When in the midst of my worry, I had lost all concept of where God was and what he had and was doing in our lives. I am so thankful for Michael, a man of faith. He is always able to help me refocus, when I lose my way!
Well I am glad to say, moving day is here. God has provided us with a great home, and I am so excited about the journey that is ahead.
I know this blog post is a little long and wordy, but I am sharing this blog post as an Altar of remembrance for our family. To remember that our God is a faithful God, who always provides!
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