Sorry to all of you who aren't in our daily life happenings and are completely confused with the recent posts. I received a call the other day from a very concerned friend, and it was brought to my attention that I have been so vague that she had no idea what was going on. So I thought I would shed a drop of light on our situation, so as not to worry anyone else.
We have been at a state of uneasiness at church for a while, and have finally come to the conclusion that we might not be were God wants us to be serving. We are currently searching for a church home, that we can serve and grow our family. Which is a scary and difficult task for us. We are trying to walk by faith and let God show us the hearts and works of each congregation we visit. We know God is going to guide our feet down the road He sees fit, we just have to study and listen to what he is telling us.
I know this is again vague, but hopefully puts some of your minds and hearts to rest.
we will be praying for your family to find the right church home. love to you ALL!!!