The African Caldwells are here to visit!!!
Rusty, Ann and Hallie got back to America about two weeks ago, so it was about time that we all got together as a family to celebrate their homecoming. They are missionaries in Nomba, Mozambique; and do wonderful things so make sure to check out the link to their blog on the side.
We traveled to Longview last weekend to see friends and lots of family. It was so wonderful to be back and see so many familiar faces. It made us miss everyone so so so so so so so Much!!!!!! Ok here is your Warning... There are a ton of pictures so get ready:)
Here are Russ, Ann, and Hallie
To all the friends we didn't see, "We hope to see you all soon. Sorry we missed you! I hope that next time we can stay longer and visit everyone"
To Rusty and Ann: Rusty spoke on Sunday morning and I have to say it was one of the most moving things I have heard. " Thank you Rusty and Ann for opening your hearts and souls to the Lords work. Thank you for sharing your life stories and being such an inspiration to all of us. You are in our constant prayer, May God Continue to Bless you and Keep you! We love you.
Enjoy your Vacation:) "
It was wonderful to see yall and your ever-growing family. It meant so much to us that yall came so far. Thank you. We love you!