Sunday, August 28, 2011

How To Clean a Boys Bathroom and Kill the Smell!

After reading this post @ MOB  I couldn't stop laughing.  I mean what Mom of Boys doesn't encounter a stinky, smelly, gross, spotted yellow, bathroom. Judging on the amount of comments, I am guessing the post struck a cord with many of us.  Well, It definatley did with me. 

I have three boys 6.5, 4.5, and 3.... and I'm pretty sure only one of them even attepts to look at the potty and aim...  then they walk right out, no flush, and no hand washing... leaving grossness behind.

This sign has seemed to help with the flushing and washing hands... Just a thought.

The night before I read the MOB Society post, I was walking through the house and was over taken with a horrible gas station bathroom fragrance wafting out of my bathroom and down the halway. BTW, I had just cleaned the bathroom 3 days before... and I mean CLEANED the Bathroom. 

There were so many great suggestions made on how to keep the smell down and seeing this is a problem for many of us, I wanted to tell you what I do to kill the spills. 
  1.  I always clean the bathroom after bathtime. That way I know it will stay clean for at least 8 hours, while the boys are in bed... just makes me feel good.  
  2.  I pull the kids out of the bath, without draining the tub, and pour in the bleach.  (I don't really believe in using measuring cups... but I probably use a cup or so.) 
  3. While the tub and tub toys soak. I gear up in my grungies and yellow rubber gloves.
  4. I use clorox toilet cleaner with bleach to coat the potty and let it set while I scrub the bathtub, and use the same bleach water to scrub the floor and bottom of potty.  (If it's really bad, sometimes I sqeeze out my rag over the floor and potty and let it sit)
  5. After draining and rinsing the bathtub and floor. I wipe down the walls and vanity walls. 
  6. Then I wipe the potty...
  7. I use a different rag to wipe down the mirror and the sink with windex.
  8. And usually mop the rest of the floor with Vinegar once a week.  Then I'm Done. 
It really only takes about 10 minutes to do all that.
I also keep orange sent Clorox wipes under the sink and the potty gets wiped down every evening while I'm letting the littles play in the tub.  I'm still careful about what cleaner I allow the boys to use, so I don't feel like cleaning the bathroom is a chore that is age appropriate in our family. ONE DAY IT WILL BE THOUGH!!! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mini Pudding Poppers

Way back when... I read a post Red, White, and Blue Pudding Pops by one of the sweetest, most genuine beautiful girls I know... and thought... My kids would love those. So, I rushed to the store, bought some supplies, and a month later as I was organizing my pantry I thought, why do I have all this pudding (light bulb).  So I got it all out and here is what we came up with. 

Mini Pudding Poppers

  • 2 boxes of your favorite pudding flavors (prepared)
    • we used chocolate and cheesecake flavored pudding
  • bathroom size disposable cups

  1. Make pudding according to box directions. 
  2. Layer flavors into each cup, great project for older kiddos.
  3.  Line up cups in a backing dish or cookie sheet and place in freezer for at least 2 hours.
  4. Pop up and enjoy the yummy goodness!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Menu Plan Monday!

So I'm officaily starting up Menu Plan Monday again.  I love emealz, and it will definatley be something that I will visit again, but for now I'm ready to start my creative cooking again and get back to spending time in the kitchen!  So here it is... My weekly menu.

Spagetti,Meatballs,  & Salad

Tuesday: Dinner Guests
Grilled Chicken, Couscous, Grilled Veggies on a stick(zuchini, onion, tomatoes, mushrooms)

Wednesday: Freezer Clean out. (mean a variety will be served. hehe)
Baked Talapia, Fish sticks, & steamed veggies,


Friday: Family Movie Night
Pizza, Popcorn, Sliced Apples

Pancakes, Sausage, Fruit Salad, Scrambled Eggs.

Free day!  Yep Hubby is taking me out or we are having leftovers... Hey I said I wanted to be creative not a work horse. :) hehe. 

Enjoy your week. I know I will!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Blissfully Domestic

Over the last 9 months or so I  have been privaledged to join a fantastic group of writers on

I love this online magazine. With a strong spiratual focus, this magazine covers homeschooling, homemaking, business, marriage, and so so much more.  I have the particular privaledge of writing for the Party/Entertaining Section under Food Bliss.

With a couple of Recipes thrown in here and there.  Please, take a minute and check out some articles. If you have a minute leave a comment or share with your friends, via facebook or twitter!  I sure would love to hear from all my sweet friends!

 What a wonderful group of women! What a blessing in my life!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Experiencing God's Blessings

This morning I was enjoying some cuddle time with my sweet Brennan Bear. And as he settled into his "just right" spot I started thinking about how much he has grown and with his big 3 year old birthday just over (last Wed. ) I go a little sentimental.  Breannan is the typical "baby" of the family.  He is a momma's boy, likes to be the center of attention, and can be as sweetest thing one minute and rotten to the core the next, but either way enjoys every minute of it.

This morning I told him "No More Growing, Ok?"  to which he quickly agreeed, "Ok, Mommy!".  So sweet!  But as much as I want Brennan and all my boys to stay small enough to settle into that "just right" spot, it is so fun to watch them grow and become what God has planned for them to be. I love to see the way they think and process situations.  I love to see them grow as brothers and as young men of God. And will continue to stay focused on that fact! 

Thank you Lord for blessing our lives with these sweet boys! Thank you for allowing us to experience and embrace our rolls as parents to these future warriors.  May they always follow in your ways and grow in stature and favor with you!  Amen

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sweet and Southern Chicken Tenders

So, I'm a huge fan of chicken... we bake it, grill it, crock it, and yes, fry it.. I do live in the south you know!  Well, last weekend I was making Chicken Tenders, I usually roll them in flour, egg, cracker crumbs, and then to the sizzling hot oil!  YUMM... Unfortunatly I started this process without taking a good inventory of ingredients and about half way through the chicken, I ran out of cracker crumbs... Oh the horror!!

Yeah right, all that meant to me was that I had a great excuse to get a little creative.  So after a little searching and digging in the pantry I found chili cheese fritos and frosted flakes (they are practically corn flakes you know!)  And just like that Sweet and Southern Chicken Tenders were created!

Sweet and Southern Chicken Tenders

  • 2 lbs Chicken Tenders
  • 1/8 c. Flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 3 cups Frosted Corn Flakes (crushed)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • Vegatable Oil
  1. Place tenders, flour, salt, and pepper in a large zipper bag, and shake throughly until tenders are well covered.
  2. Beat eggs in a shallow bowl
  3. Place Corn Flakes in a shallow bowl
  4. Pour enough oil into the 12-inch skillet to come to a quarter of an inch up the sides of the pan. Allow the oil to heat over a medium-high heat until the oil comes up to frying temperature.
  5. Dip floured tenders into egg until well coated and then roll in cereal.
  6. Place into hot oil and cook until golden brown, turning once.
Serve with honey, bbq, or any of your favorite dips.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordful Wednesday Psalms 143

A little of what I have been reading today... some scriptures that really spoke to me! 


Psalm 143 (The Message)

A David Psalm
 1-2 Listen to this prayer of mine, God; pay attention to what I'm asking.
   Answer me—you're famous for your answers!
      Do what's right for me.
   But don't, please don't, haul me into court;
      not a person alive would be acquitted there.

 3-6 The enemy hunted me down;
      he kicked me and stomped me within an inch of my life.
   He put me in a black hole,
      buried me like a corpse in that dungeon.
   I sat there in despair, my spirit draining away,
      my heart heavy, like lead.
   I remembered the old days,
      went over all you've done, pondered the ways you've worked,
   Stretched out my hands to you,
      as thirsty for you as a desert thirsty for rain.

 7-10 Hurry with your answer, God!
      I'm nearly at the end of my rope.
   Don't turn away; don't ignore me!
      That would be certain death.
   If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
      I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.
   Point out the road I must travel;
      I'm all ears, all eyes before you.
   Save me from my enemies, God
      you're my only hope!
   Teach me how to live to please you,
      because you're my God.
   Lead me by your blessed Spirit
      into cleared and level pastureland.

 11-12 Keep up your reputation, God—give me life!
      In your justice, get me out of this trouble!
   In your great love, vanquish my enemies;
      make a clean sweep of those who harass me.
   And why? Because I'm your servant.